
Is "spiritual direction" what I need? What would it be like? 

We can arrange a time to talk in person or virtually (on Google Hangout, Skype, Facetime or Signal) and see if I can be of help. I plan on an hour, and just start by asking you to tell me about yourself and what is stirring in your heart and mind.  I will listen, ask questions, reflect back to you what I am hearing, and suggest some things to help you to respond to what we think God is inviting you to.  After the conversation, I'll follow up with an email with further thoughts and resources. Sometimes I meet with people only once or twice, others I meet with at regular intervals over time, every 6-8 weeks. 

What do you mean by "spiritual formation"? 

We are all being formed all the time. The way we think and feel, what we love, how we act and speak - everything most important about us is being shaped everyday, in one direction or another. Christian spiritual formation is about being shaped by the Spirit of God into the likeness of Jesus so that we can be fully alive in God -  and how we respond to and participate in that process.  

What is the cost? 

There is no charge for the initial appointment, so you can see if this is something that might work for you. Subsequently, I suggest a $75  (which includes follow up emails and access by email and text) donation to my account with Global Service Associates  (scroll to the bottom of that page!) or if you decide to meet regularly,  $240  for 4 sessions (There is a discount for Cru staff and interns, and for those who have lost income or support during the pandemic)  However, I really don’t want money to keep anyone from receiving spiritual direction!  … if that is the case for you, please let me know! 

Coaching Agreement

Where do I start? 

Email me at with a little about yourself and what is stirring that prompts your interest in spiritual direction. I will get back to you to set up an  initial appointment and we will go from there. Be sure to add my email to your contacts so my response won't go to the trash!